
Weekly horoscope 26.02.2024 – 03.03.2024

Write to me for an individual horoscope: mimi74@abv.bg

During this week, developments continue to escalate, so in a natural way we will have a chance to get to the “bottom of truths”, encounter important information, remove “pink glasses”, if there are any, understand secrets or manage to look into the more distant future.

Communication will often become an occasion to put together a complete picture and choose the most correct path to the realization of our goals, to achieve a kind of stabilization or to materialize our desires. Now it is not appropriate to make sharp turns, figuratively speaking, but we understand if it is possible to carry out our intentions, even if this sometimes requires options, “emergency exits” or we simply have to give up on a certain topic, because it is exhausted or impossible for implementation… Such reflections will escalate, gain momentum, we can or must take advantage of all the opportunities that spontaneously come our way. We must value highly things, people or circumstances that have a stabilizing, enriching effect on us, this will be a clear sign that we will be able to rely on them – on certain people and circumstances in the future… Still, if something wants to leave our life, we should not try to keep it, because we will hardly succeed or it will cost us dearly, figuratively speaking.

In the month of Pisces, we can rely on remarkable intuition, many will have premonitions or receive bright intuitive insights, in various ways and occasions we will manage to look beyond the visible, but this is always useful…

The most valuable thing for this week is the knowledge gained, which will help us see certain details that we did not have noticed until recently.

It is a good time to negotiate for our interests, but the greatest success will have those who attract support and approval, do not publicize conversations held before they lead to real results…

Many will act strategically, they will look like “puppeteers” who manage to impose their opinion and authority, gain from this – material or other kind of benefits.

Layers continue to be shifted in collectives, important relationships, even friendships, contacts that have lost value will spontaneously break up, it can sometimes be financial contracts… Only relationships that have passed the test of time will be strengthened.

In a global aspect, processes continue to escalate that have an adverse impact on cash flows, inflation, in a certain sense they can be compensated by taking socially significant measures and by governing structures, but still they will be reduced.

On a personal level – increased expenses are very likely, but these can be useful or unavoidable investments. However, it is useful to guard against expenses that can later be characterized as exaggerated or inappropriate.

Many will be rewarded for their efforts so far, given a chance to stabilize their income or tap into long-term sources of income. It will be a great sign, if you now receive similar offers or notifications.

Some will fulfill their desire and enjoy a kind of guardianship, additional or parallel resources that act enrichingly for them.

Almost throughout the period, sober judgments will guide us in the right direction and help us get out of difficult situations, sometimes this can be very similar to overcoming some difficulty or turning it in a positive direction.


Much of what is happening this week is in the form of denouements, giving you the opportunity to crown with success efforts you have made over the past months, maybe a year or more…

All of this should have a positive impact on your financial situation, it will be a great sign, if you now receive notifications, offers or escalate events that have a positive impact on your income or what you have in general. This will be a sign that you are moving in the right direction and it is good to value people and circumstances that contribute to your stability, material condition, but not only. It is an opportune time to negotiate your interests, you may take steps to tap into long-term sources of income… You will unlock part of the goals and opportunities in front of you by not displaying all your intentions, but by conducting secret negotiations and making a breakthrough in your chosen direction. Even if a door is closed in front of you, you have a unique chance to find an alternative path, a kind of “emergency exit”, through which you can go and achieve what you want… However, if during this period you have to end relationships or contracts that are already exhausted, then this will be more visible than usual and you will really leave behind something that has no place in your future development. In another case, increased expenses escalate, which may be useful or unavoidable investments… In love – common and enriching goals can act quite strengthening on your relationship, but if the person next to you is a conductor of losses, in a wider sense, then your relationship can cool or suddenly end, it will still depend on what you want…


The period is excellent to prove yourself in a team, to create and strengthen relationships that can become a bridge to your successes… In your environment, there may be influential or powerful individuals who have a very strong influence on you and help you, so that you can deal with some challenges and turn them to your advantage. An excellent time to consciously and purposefully strengthen contacts that help to impose your own authority in a collective, occupy more prestigious public positions, at least – they could stabilize you. However, the environment is quite dynamic, it may require you to prove yourself above the usual, to cope with some challenge and direct changes in an optimally favorable direction for you… The higher your ambitions, the more likely it is that transformations that will transform your career development and social status will escalate. In this process, you may need to act creatively and flexibly, so that you do not lose control of the situation or things do not work out in your favor. Strengthen your relationships with those who will help you in these processes and everything will be fine… If this is not exactly the case, then you have to make a turn, look for something else and more perspective… In any case, you find yourself in a key period where small actions have a big impact, keep that in mind and take advantage in the way described above. Successes achieved or some kind of transformation will have meaning and impact for the coming months, maybe even longer… Love at this stage is in the background, it can be tested for strength. If now everything is fine between you and your loved one, this will be an excellent sign that you are looking in the same direction, that you support each other and have a common vision for future development, that you can rely on each other… In case of possible differences, remove the weaknesses in a timely manner, so that they do not affect you in the future…


Almost throughout the week, important and indicative events that concern key issues related to your social status, respectively – career development, marital relations, implementation of high and ambitious plans, will escalate. If you are moving in the right direction, then now you will receive a kind of reward, which will be expressed in the achievement of long-lasting and stable successes, for example – you can “cement” your management position, you can impose your authority or even climb the hierarchical ladder, if the working conditions allow it… If you have negotiated in the past, you may now receive good notices… There are also chances to find “emergency exits”, if you need them, so that you can get out of complicated situations or overcome a challenge that will turn to your advantage… An appropriate time to strengthen partner relationships, overcome differences, if there were any. If in any case the things do not develop in this way, it will be a sign that the disagreements are too serious, perhaps even insurmountable… Communication becomes an occasion to look into the more distant future, to put together a complete picture, take advantage of it… People standing far from you, literally and in a broader sense, occupy your attention, ignite strong passions, sometimes they have a perverse meaning for important decisions for you… Try to stay away from manipulations, frauds, remove from your path people who can harm you… If you have to resolve legal issues, settle documents, then you still need to be alert in order to avoid unpleasant surprises. In such a case, it is advisable to consult specialists and strive to be perfect… Some of you may find love, if you are single, but it is doubtful that any of your expectations will turn out to be too high, but that also depends on the individual horoscope.


Your attention can be strongly focused on the opportunity to break the status quo, to surpass your successes, to go beyond the boundaries of the known. All this will be possible, if you travel, communicate with people outside the immediate or traditional environment… Some of you may have very serious conversations that will give you great clarity, help you look into the more distant future and make a decision that still affects more distant prospects of development. You are able to notice even the smallest details, but this will help you not to get lost, figuratively speaking. In this process, you will make assessments of the type: “how much does it cost and is it worth the price”. Many will purge their lives and their surroundings, if certain people and circumstances have lost value. In another version – you will actually move away from persons who are capable of causing you damage, moral or material, if there are any, this will be more visible than usual and let it be an occasion to take measures. Some of you will find themselves in situations that will require them to protect their interests, but this will require decisive measures, so that they do not lose control over certain situations… In a more extreme form – you may decide to change your environment, if the current one is only straining you… It is recommended to be careful, when interacting with financial institutions, not to take excessive risks… The demonstration of high qualification, possible trips, will become an occasion for excellent results… Love is going through a very transformative period, let it become an occasion for healing and strengthening and not something else….


You are in an excellent period during which you can make positive changes concerning your career development, social position… Now you will have a chance to climb the hierarchical ladder, to increase your income, if the working conditions allow it. All this will happen as a result of the kind of support and approval you receive from people and institutions that influence your well-being. The results are not accidental, but a consequence of the efforts you have made so far, so outcomes will continue to escalate that will help you receive a reward for your work, diligence, ambition… In this process you may face increased competition or demands, but let this become an occasion for ambition, so that you meet expectations and emerge victorious, if there are detractors around you… However, you may end some contacts that are rather harmful to you… Partner relationships are tested for strength, small actions have a wide impact. It will be a great sign, if everything is fine between you and your loved one now, it will be a clear sign that you will be able to rely on each other in the future… If any differences escalate, then it is advisable to resolve them promptly, so that you do not lose control over any future prospects… If you are single, then you may meet a partner who supports you financially, among other things, but is also wayward and difficult to control…


During this week, you can take a very active position and this will become an occasion to find yourself “in the spotlight”, to gain popularity or to create, strengthen relationships with influential and powerful individuals, who can contribute to the realization of your high and ambitious plans. The period is excellent for negotiations that can have a long-term and stabilizing effect, become a chance to surpass your successes, expand your horizons of development, also – to deal with some challenges that you may otherwise consider to be out of your control, they may concern your professional realization, income, future development prospects… The more you strive to strengthen contacts, perhaps to fall under a kind of tutelage, to gain wider approval, the more likely you will turn some difficulties to your advantage. Sometimes it may seem to you that you have to comply more with certain and intolerant persons, in practice – it may be exactly so, but in this way you will be able to realize your goals… Your everyday life can be quite busy, stressful, even above the average… Now is the time to get ahead of the competition, deal with detractors, because there is someone to rely on, also – to demonstrate high qualification, act differently, flexibly to get better result than before… Some of you may be forced to travel, in which case it is advisable to be more careful, some of your expectations may turn out to be exaggerated, if you do not “color in brighter colors” your thesis and qualities to achieve yours. Avoid overloading, try to delegate responsibilities. If you do not have the opportunity to grow in your current job, if it does not bring you satisfaction, if it needs to be left behind, then it will be more visible than usual and you may actually end contracts that have no future… You may find something new and more suitable – again through relationships, kind of support and approval… In love, most of you stabilize your partner relationships. If you are alone, then you might meet a partner you can rely on, who is authoritative, even if this partner is not too romantic.


The period is very important for your professional realization and important events can occur now that have a wide impact on the coming months and maybe even years… If you are on the right track, then now you will stabilize your positions in the workplace, you may impose your authority, increase your income or sign long-term contracts that will guarantee you work for a long period of time… In another case, you may make a very positive impression on an influential and powerful person, so that you fall under someone’s tutelage… Most of you will not allow themselves to relax. Your high and ambitious plans will make you ambitious, mobilize you, help you pass a kind of test that affects your career in an optimally good way for you. If this is not exactly the case, then you can look for and find something else more promising by relying on already acquired experience, knowledge, qualifications and demonstrating them… Another important topic for you – this can be love relationships or relationships with your loved ones – your partner or grown children, if you have any. Now they may need more of your attention, support, moral or financial. Strong passions are escalating in your soul, sometimes experiences are vivid and exaggerated, be careful that this does not cause the opposite of the expected or desired result… Love relationships are tested for strength and loyalty, you receive valuable information in this direction or important events escalate. Eliminate potential weaknesses in a timely manner, so that they do not continue in the future, if you wish and some boundaries have not been crossed in the past… Sometimes purely financial matters can stand between you and your loved ones… Increased expenses are quite likely, but they may be worthwhile or unavoidable investments… You also find time for entertainment…


You are in a very positive period, during which you can demonstrate the best of yourself and it will be noticed and appreciated… There will always be people and circumstances that will support you, warm your soul, become an occasion to fulfill a cherished desire or feel satisfied… Many have a dose of luck, you may also benefit from your intuition, which will suggest the most correct path to your happiness… A great period to strengthen partner relationships by spending more time outside, having fun, giving yourself some pleasure… Possible routine, even household duties – can be a reason for disagreements and tension between you and your loved ones. If such situations arise, then it is useful to balance between your point of view and that of the other party, because in the most cases – you will be able to rely on goodwill and understanding, so that the differences are turned into favor. So it will be, if the respective relationships are prospective. Some of you may be actively involved in your home due to renovations or your family simply needs more of your attention and support… Now is the time to build a stable base, on which to build everything else, so that it is prospective, stable and reliable.


Home and family are becoming an increasingly important topic for you. Some of you will take up matters related to repairs, others will help their loved ones, take steps that will have a positive effect on the improvement of the home, the comfort of existence… If this is not your topic, then you are entering a more dynamic period, during which you should organize your time and balance between personal and work priorities, including by delegating responsibilities, rearranging your commitments in order of importance… Again as an option – some of you may be preparing for a big new beginning, which will be like turning a new page, kind of endings, building on some trends and continuing others that concern family, but also purely professional commitments… Throughout the week, the information flow is quite intense, but it is valuable knowledge for you and prompts you to defend your interests, sometimes to enter into verbal battles in order to emerge victorious, not to allow yourself to be displaced… Beware of misunderstandings with your colleagues, which can have far-reaching consequences… Protect your thesis reasonably, flexible, so that you get the kind of support of your ideas and desires, turn some challenges into favor… If in some cases this is impossible, then you will terminate contracts and contacts that are exhausted… Communication is an opportunity for changes, take advantage and direct carefully… In love – clarifying conversations are not excluded, you may hear and say words that will transform your relationship and let this be an occasion for strengthening it, not something else, do not lose sight of the ultimate goal, demonstrate your love that is unique and able to make miracles, when it is necessary…


During this week, you may hear very important news, have similar conversations that have a wide impact on your future development… Most of you may be very close to influential and powerful individuals, but as an another option – right now you may be strengthening such contacts that will contribute to the realization of your own high and ambitious plans… Appropriate time to strengthen relationships that will become a bridge to your successes, a kind of satisfaction… You have a unique chance through communication to achieve results, to attract a kind of patronage, to implement agreements or conclude contracts that are long-lasting, reliable and promising, which will be an occasion for the realization of your dreams, intentions… Communication now gives you a chance for long-lasting and positive results that you can rely on for months and even years to come… Agreements reached or contracts concluded during this week may turn out to be quite promising. Some of the chances will stand in your way by themselves in the form of a resolution, external circumstances that are on your side, but it is good for you to unlock others through your own initiative, high social activity, a strong opinion that you can impose… Another important topic is your income. It is a good time to increase your earnings, but at this stage – this may require giving up one thing in order to acquire another and more valuable, “sacrificing” something, literally and in a wider sense… Again as an option – increased expenses may escalate, but they may be useful or unavoidable investments… Love at this stage is in the background or is filtered by reason, it is influenced more than usual by purely financial matters… A great sign will be, if everything is fine between you and your loved one now, it will be a sign that you have common and enriching goals, you look in the same direction…


The period is excellent to stabilize your financial situation, increase your income, if the working conditions allow it… Some of you can find long-term sources of income or “cement” their income and rely on it for a long period of time… In another case, you can rely on your relatives and family, morally and financially, you can invest in your home, this will be considered a positive circumstance… Some of you may restart processes that still concern income and this will turn out to be a stable start that has a future, will act enriching for you for the coming months, maybe even years… At a minimum, you understand who and to what extent you can rely on to strengthen those relationships that contribute to your well-being, but probably you will have to distancing yourself from others that have lived their time… Your soul may be restless, needing changes that will transform your life on all levels, both personal and professional, such as rhythm in everyday life, sometimes even place of residence, environment of existence and all this will acquire new look, be transformed… You are still in a very strong period during which you can direct trends according to your own desires, feelings and intuition. Use it in an optimal way, it is a huge force that is able to “transform the scenery around you”, it is possible that you will have to act differently, creatively, in order to get a better result than before and without losing final and a meaningful goal out of sight, so that you do not get lost, figuratively speaking… With greater ease you attract attention, love, what you want most…


You are now in a period during which you are building an energy program for your entire upcoming personal year… During this week, you may be more inclined than usual to concentrate yourself on specific issues that are not easy, get to the bottom of some kind of truths, but you can count on a remarkable objectivity that will help you make optimally correct decisions… Many will have quite constructive conversations and negotiations, this will become an occasion to assert your authority, to attract a kind of support, so that you impose your opinion, the chances before you for the implementation of ideas and desires will expand, because there is someone you can rely on… The information flow is quite intense, not every miracle will be so much on your side or in your favor, you may find out that certain people and circumstances are working behind your back. The good news is that now you can influence certain processes more than usual, you can turn what is happening in your favor and come out victorious by defending your opinion and interests, because there will be someone to support you… However, it is useful to be careful who you trust, to beware of intrigues that have a wide impact… In the optimal case, you end relationships and contracts that have outlived their time, act rather destabilizingly for you, you distance yourself from them… You have a unique opportunity to learn secrets or to look into the more distant future, to put together a complete picture, so that you know who and what you can rely on to make the most correct choice, which at the moment, as it is already clear, has meaning and impact for the coming months, maybe even years… Love at this stage is in the background or is realized, you can have conversations, in which feelings that was not expressed until now will escalate, let this have a healing effect, so it will be, if certain limits are not crossed.

Mariana Petrova

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